order management

Our Solutions for Vendors,

Suppliers and Brands

purchasing.ai's customized solutions help you manage your retailers, your products and fulfill your orders efficiently and with absolute ease.

Talk to us


VendorsTalk to us

purchasing.ai offers efficient retailer and order management and more if you’re a supplier, distributor or a B2B vendors.

vendor management
Manage orders from multiple retailers

A single view of all retailers and orders for faster and efficient order processing.

vendor management
Data management and Analytics

Streamline your product data and get actionable insights for better stocking and inventory planning.

vendor management
Push new product updates to your retailers

Publish entire product catalog including new products and catch the longtail to grow your business.

vendor management
Integrates POs to your Accounting ERP

Save time from manual data entry by getting all order data directly into your ERP, Accounting software.

vendor management


BrandsTalk to us

We combine experience in building automation software, data analytics, ERP tools and understanding of the FMCG retail landscape to build groundbreaking retail software.

vendor management
Customized solutions for your industry

Solutions customized for your industry’s needs ranging from FMCG to leather goods, hardware to cement to help improve processes and create value.

vendor management
Data management and Analytics

Streamline your sales data and use the power of analytics to get actionable insights to make better decisions.

vendor management
Automated retail solutions

Retail solutions that provide full supply chain integration for better sales, operations and marketing efficiencies.

vendor management
Artificial Intelligence applications

Leverage the power of AI to unlock business value across all functions of your organisation.


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